abstract no. 2 | 52x48" original oil painting on canvas

abstract no. 2 | 52x48" original oil painting on canvas


abstract no 2

52x48” oil and wax diptych on wide-profile canvas

each individual canvas panel measures 26x48”

would you prefer to pay for this painting in installments? please feel free to contact me personally. I would be happy to accomodate.



Paper pieces and prints have a standard ground shipping of $15.00. Small canvas works have a standard ground shipping of $60.00

Large canvas works will ship within North America at a
flat rate of CAD$165. Orders that cross national borders may be held up at customs causing a delay in arrival time. I cannot be held responsible for delays, and additionally I cannot be held responsible for any duty fees upon arrival. Your painting will be shipped as soon as the oil paints and varnish are cured enough to package, ranging from 1-3 weeks. Thank you for your patience.


Please contact me for an overseas shipping quote.

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